7 Hemp Beauty Benefits
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Paulina Kwik
We spend all our time here talking about the versatility of hemp and the insane variety of products made from it. Today, we’re going back into the roots of hemp’s journey as the world’s favorite multi-use plant: hemp beauty.
Creams, oils, serums, and more were among the first hemp products to be widely popularized. Rightfully so, because hemp skincare products have a ton of benefits! Just like hemp underwear keeps your butt happy and hemp tea is great for your gut, hemp beauty products are the best choice for your skin.
Why, you may be asking, are hemp skincare products so special? Well, I’m here to get you up to speed. So sit tight and get ready for the spa treatment of a lifetime!
Hemp beauty refers to the wide range of products available across different brands all pertaining to skin care and other self-care rituals. This includes face creams, masks and serums, body wash and lotion, and even soothing bath salts. I wasn’t kidding when I said there’s a full hemp spa day in store for you if you want it!
Now that we know the what, let’s talk about the how. What’s the unifying ingredient in all these products? You guessed it: hemp seed oil, aka oil derived from hemp seeds. To make hemp seed oil, the seeds are mechanically pressed or extracted to release oil.
The oil is then refined in a series of processes that varies depending on the intended use of the oil. Hemp seed oil has had many uses throughout history. For example, through the 1870s it was the most popular lighting oil. These days, hemp seed oil is used in a variety of consumable products like hemp protein powder and hemp milk. It is also used as the base of many cosmetic products!
So, that’s the what and how of hemp beauty. Now we can get to the really good stuff. Why is hemp beauty what you’ve been missing this whole time? Oh boy, let me tell you!
While hemp seed oil is derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant genome, it does not contain enough THC-active cannabinoids to get you high. That said, the positive effects of hemp seed oil on the skin are plentiful. The role of cannabinoids in dermatology has been researched in a number of studies with positive results.
These are the specific benefits you can get from using hemp beauty products:
Friends with sensitive skin make some noise! This one’s for us! Yup, one of the big draws of hemp skincare products is that they are completely hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin. They even go so far as to improve certain skin conditions (but we’ll go into details on that). If you’re like me and you turn red as a tomato from using certain skincare products, then the soothing qualities of hemp skincare are definitely worth a try!
Hemp makes for the best fabric for sun protection. Those qualities transfer over to hemp beauty products, as well. While hemp skincare products should not be used as a replacement for sunscreen, they do offer some UV protection. This study proves that CBD stimulates skin cells in a way that prevents the harmful effects of UV radiation.
Hemp seed oil is a rich source of protein and fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), making it a prime candidate for research regarding its effects on people with atopic dermatitis. The results proved that hemp seed oil helps to reduce inflammation and soothes its symptoms, like itchiness. It also helps restore the skin’s moisture.
Washing your face with hemp soap and then applying a hemp moisturizer is a surefire way to give your skin the drink of water it deserves. Hemp beauty products can reduce redness and itchiness but they are also super hydrating. This research from 2009 suggests that CBD has positive effects on improving dry skin conditions.
While hemp and CBD have not been officially credited with treating acne, their anti-inflammatory properties help reduce it. Studies on the effects of cannabinoids on non-cancerous skin conditions have been rising in popularity with the widespread legalization of hemp. In most cases, the use of hemp-based skincare products improved or treated skin conditions significantly.
Hemp beauty is also a win for all the folks with oily skin. Hemp seed oil is noncomedogenic (which means likely to clog your pores) so products containing it are sure to work well on oily skin. Hemp based beauty products can also help balance the levels of oil that your skin produces.
Ok, so there isn’t any product out there that can interfere with the natural aging process. That’s gonna catch up to everyone, no matter what products you use on your face. However, hemp seed oil contains a lot of fatty acids (namely vitamin F which is not produced by the human body). These essential fatty acids work to restore moisture to the skin and make it appear smoother. Ingesting hemp seed oil, as well as using it topically, helps to slow the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Nope. Hemp seed oil is derived from plants that don’t contain any THC, which is the component of the cannabis plant that produces a “high” feeling. Products containing high levels of CBD could have a soothing or relaxing effect but even those aren’t intoxicating like marijuana.
Hemp and CBD skincare products are often gentle and have antimicrobial qualities. These products have properties that reduce redness and soothe the skin instead of aggravating those conditions. Hemp beauty is an excellent choice for folks with skin prone to redness or a “burning” sensation as a response to most traditional skincare products.
Hemp was officially legalized on a federal level in 2018. Products containing hemp seed oil are widely available in the US from many manufacturers.
While hemp and CBD are both derived from the same plant, not all products containing hemp seed oil have CBD in them. This is because hemp seed oil, as you can guess, comes from the seeds of the hemp plant and CBD can be found in every other part of the plant (the stalks, leaves, and flowers).
Products made from hemp seed oil have all the benefits we discussed. The additional presence of CBD in some beauty products bring in the soothing and relaxing effects that CBD is most often praised for.
The world we live in is quite oversaturated with beauty products and items promising to make you look younger and more beautiful. I’m willing to bet that most of the time we don’t even know what we’re putting on our skin. Choosing hemp beauty adds some transparency.
Do you use any hemp-based beauty products already? Do you have your eye on some and just need extra convincing to make that final leap? Share your experiences in the comments!
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