Why Is My Underwear Always Wet?

A woman wearing a green bralette and matching underwear stands outside near leafy green plants

With warmer weather on the way, I’ve been thinking of ways to optimize my wardrobe to stay cool and comfy and not become a damp sweat monster in the summer months. One question I’m hoping to avoid asking is “Why is my underwear always wet?”

However, heat-induced sweat is only one reason why you may be experiencing swamp crotch (for both men and women!). If you have a vagina, you’re probably no stranger to feeling wet down there. And, for the most part, that’s good! A completely dry vagina is not what we’re aiming for here. Our goal is just to reduce the dampness and increase your comfort!

The types of panties you wear and your personal habits are factors to consider when wondering “Why is my underwear always wet?” That’s why I’ll be going over all the potential causes for wet underwear, as well as the lifestyle changes you can make to avoid wetness, and I’ll be spilling my secret for the best underwear for vaginal health . Let’s get right to it!


 A woman wearing black undergarments kneels in front of a mirror holding a phone and poses with her hand on her head

Before we can get to solving the problem, we need to do a deep dive into the things that can cause it. Now, vaginas should never really be DRY so a little bit of dampness is to be expected. However, walking around with soaking underwear is no way to live. Here’s what could be causing wetness in your underwear:


Sexual arousal is likely the first answer we land on when faced with the question “Why is my underwear always wet?” It’s a reasonable conclusion considering that “being wet” is used to describe a woman in a state of excitement. This type of wetness is produced by the Bartholin glands , whose main job is to lubricate the vagina for sexual intercourse (this is different from the fluids responsible for vaginal discharge which we’ll discuss in a few moments). So yes, arousal is a cause for wet panties but it certainly isn’t the only one. And, I’m willing to bet that many of us who find ourselves with wet underwear don’t go around feeling turned on all day, am I right?


Your vagina is kind of like a rainforest, in that it’s a warm and moist climate (and can host a whole bunch of different species). What happens when you contain such a climate in fabric (aka underwear)? Well, things get warmer and wetter. A sweaty vagina is not an uncommon occurrence. Sweaty underwear can be caused by simple things like your body heat, living in a warm climate, strenuous physical activity, or clothing made of synthetic fabrics. Wetness from excessive sweat in the genital region is often caused by wearing not breathable underwear or underwear that does not wick away moisture. 


A curly-haired woman wearing a black bralette and green underwear sits on a boulder with her arms wrapped around her thighs.

The bottom line is that a wet vagina is generally a healthy vagina. Dryness could be a sign of medical issues or major hormonal shifts but vaginal discharge is (usually) a sign that things are working properly down there. Vaginal discharge comes directly from the cervix and is responsible for cleaning and lubricating your vagina and fighting off bad bacteria. Healthy vaginal discharge is clear or milky white, smooth and tacky in texture, and odorless (or gives off a gentle scent). The amount of vaginal discharge you produce is unique to you and can shift slightly at different points in your cycle.

Sudden, significant changes in the amount of discharge you produce, its odor, texture, and/or color could be signs of a medical issue. Green or yellow discharge could signify an STI or bacterial infection. Discharge that remains regular in color but develops a foul odor or a cottage cheese-like texture could mean you have a yeast infection. Staying in tune with your own body and knowing when weird changes occur are imperative to keeping your vagina heal


Another answer to the question “Why is my underwear always wet?” could simply be pee. Stress incontinence is a fairly common condition that causes your bladder to leak whenever a mundane action puts pressure on it, like bending over, sneezing, or laughing (note: this condition has nothing to do with mental stress). Stress incontinence is caused by weakened muscles in the pelvic floor and/or urethra and is a common after-effect of childbirth.


This is one that most women are pretty tuned into but, sometimes, unexpected wetness in your undies could be your period catching you off guard. If it’s around that time of the month and you feel a sudden flood in your panties, a quick trip to the bathroom to sus out the situation may be a good idea. Even if you don’t encounter blood, an increase in vaginal fluid may be a precursor to your period. On the contrary, if you start bleeding or spotting in between periods, schedule a visit with your doctor.


 A woman wearing a white shirt, green undergarments, and unbuttoned jeans stands outside.

Now that we know what makes our underwear wet, let’s take a look at how to keep it dry. The type of underwear you wear is super important but your lifestyle and hygiene habits can also have an impact on how wet your crotch gets. Here are some steps to take if your goal is to prevent wet underwear:


Two women wearing black undergarments stand facing each other and laughing.

Why is my underwear always wet? Because you’re wearing the wrong kind, silly! As I mentioned before, polyester underwear (and all its synthetic cousins) is the most significant cause of excessive sweat and moisture around your genitals. This is because synthetic underwear does not allow for airflow and tends to trap moisture. Experts recommend natural fabrics, like cotton, for underwear because they’re breathable and the best choice for your genital health. Hemp underwear is an awesome option for everyday use because it is breathable, antibacterial, and super durable. Hemp fabric also naturally wicks away moisture (without any chemical sealants) so it’s sure to keep you dry!


When washing your privates, try to steer clear of heavily perfumed or dyed products. This goes for both the guys and gals! Your genitals are some of the most sensitive parts of your body and they deserve to be treated as such. Cleansing products that are not gentle could cause skin irritation and disrupt your vagina’s pH balance. Ladies, when washing down there, keep in mind that no soap needs to enter your actual vagina (she cleans herself with the help of vaginal discharge). Simply wash your vulva (the outer part that grows pubic hair) and pat yourself dry thoroughly. 


A woman with a curly ponytail wearing a black bralette and black boyshorts drinks from a water bottle on a mountain trail.

Staying well-hydrated is important for keeping up a healthy level of lubrication and discharge in your vagina. It also benefits the rest of your body (and dehydration can have some nasty side effects!) so it’s a good idea to always have a water bottle nearby whether you’re at home, at work, or out and about. The second part of this is maintaining a healthy diet. What you eat affects many different factors in your body that we don’t usually consider, such as your sweat levels and even the smell and consistency of vaginal discharge. Cutting down on processed food and eating plenty of fruits and veggies will keep everything balanced and less likely to get excessively damp (or smelly!) down there. 


We all deal with stress sometimes (or even daily) but not all of us are aware of how deeply stress can affect not just your mental state, but your physical state too. In women, stress can affect hormone levels and cause an increase in discharge production thus making your underwear feel wetter. If you suspect this may be the main cause for your wet panties, try introducing calming activities into your daily routine, such as yoga, meditation, or nature walks.


A woman wearing a white t-shirt and black underwear stands in front of a window with a white curtain.

Good hygiene habits are imperative for avoiding asking “Why are my underwear always wet?” In addition to cleaning your genitals and ensuring they’re dry, putting on a clean pair of underwear after each wash is a must. I recommend changing your undies twice a day. Put on a clean pair before bed and a new pair every morning. And no, flipping your underwear inside out to get an extra wear out of it is absolutely not a good solution! 


While I do my best to provide accurate and helpful information, I am not a medical professional. Feeling wetness in your underwear is usually a non-issue but there is a chance that it could be your body’s way of letting you know something is wrong. If you notice any changes in your genital region that seem suspicious or come with pain and discomfort, the first person you should look to for answers is your doctor. 


A man and woman wearing undergarments kneel on a bed while touching one another’s butts.

The question “Why are my underwear always wet?” is most often posed by women but that doesn’t mean men are exempt from experiencing a damp sensation in their undies. That said, male equipment is a lot different from a vagina so the reasons don’t all align.

For one, a penis does not naturally produce moisture like a vagina (ideally, at least). This means that the most likely cause of wet underwear for men is sweat. Sweaty underwear is something everyone experiences but that doesn’t mean you have to like it!. Make sure your king and his jewels are thoroughly clean and dry before putting on clean underwear. Powder (but only the stuff meant to be used on testicles, no baby powder dudes!) can also help prevent wetness from sweat and keep you from asking “ Why do my balls smell?

Same as with women, pee is another potential cause of wetness in underwear. While stress incontinence is more common in women (specifically after giving birth), men are more prone to urge incontinence , which means experiencing a sudden urge to pee that often results in leakage.

Wetness due to sexual arousal is also a possibility but it’s a little tougher for men to be unaware that they’re experiencing arousal than it is for women. If you’re at the point of leaking ejaculate, you’ve probably developed an erection which is a whole different issue to be dealing with in public. It is, however, possible to experience involuntary ejaculation while sleeping which could be a cause for morning wetness in your underwear.


Two rear-facing women wearing brown underwear lean against a yellow chair.

Most of the time, experiencing wetness in your underwear is not a big deal—but it’s still an unpleasant sensation! While complete dryness is something vagina owners should avoid, following the tips in this post will help you keep things from getting too swampy down there.

Do you often experience wetness in your underwear? Did you know there are so many different reasons for it? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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