Best Underwear To Prevent Yeast Infections

Torso of woman wearing a tied-up black tee and black undies.

Your vagina is a busy bee. She’s constantly producing good bacteria and self-cleaning and experts will advise you not to interfere too much with her natural processes. However, infections can still happen unexpectedly and you must do your part to maintain the best conditions for a healthy vagina.

The easiest way to start upping your intimate hygiene? By ensuring you have the best underwear to prevent yeast infections. 

Why do we wear underwear in the first place? To protect our privates, of course, so to do the job right, we need the best type of underwear on the market. Antibacterial underwear is a must for everyone but especially for women trying to prevent infections. You’ll want to steer away from things like polyester underwear because that’s likely to increase the risk of an infection. 

There are so many factors that go into choosing good underwear for yeast infection. Luckily for you, I’ve compiled everything you need to know in this post. Let’s get right into it!  


A woman wearing a green bralette and matching bra stands in front of a green wall.

Before we can discuss the best underwear to prevent yeast infections, we need to learn a little bit about what a yeast infection is and how it happens. 

Yeast infections occur when there’s an overgrowth of a fungus called candida (which can already be found growing in your body in small amounts). Yeast infections are common and happen to most women at least once in their life. Yeast infections can be easily treated with antifungal medicine which you can often get without a prescription. 


  • Use of antibiotics
  • A weak immune system
  • Hormonal changes (during your menstrual cycle or related to the use of contraceptives)
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy


In the case of severe, persistent symptoms or if you’re unsure whether you have a yeast infection or something else, make an appointment with your gynecologist. 

To get ahead of the game and avoid developing a yeast infection at all, there are some healthy habits you can implement. The first step is choosing the best underwear for your vaginal health!


A woman wearing a purple bralette and matching underwear tends to a hemp plant outdoors.

When it comes to underwear for yeast infection, there isn’t one specific type or pair that does it best. There is, however, a list of qualities to look for in the ideal pair of undies. This list is meant to be used as a guideline to find the best underwear to prevent yeast infections that also works perfectly with your unique body and needs! 


Material is the make-or-break factor that distinguishes a really good pair of underwear from ones you might want to avoid. The line between good and bad is drawn between synthetic and natural fabrics. While synthetic fabrics may be favored in certain situations (like for working out or swimming) they are never the best choice for your health. Natural fabric is a must-have quality of the best underwear for yeast infection. 

There are many fine options for underwear made of natural fabrics (such as cotton, tencel, and silk) but the champion of natural underwear is hemp. Hemp has antibacterial and antifungal properties which are ideal for preventing yeast infections. Hemp also makes for the best breathable underwear which is another appealing quality because the more airflow your vagina has, the less likely it is to breed bad bacteria. 


A woman wearing a black bralette and boy shorts stands on a balcony with a cup in her hand.

While there isn’t a specific style of underwear that works best to prevent yeast infections, the way your underwear fits is super important. Ill-fitting underwear can cause irritation if it is tight enough to dig into your skin. Underwear that is too tight can also prevent air flow, thus allowing more opportunity for bacterial or fungal growth. 

So, how should underwear fit? The main idea is for the underwear to be supportive without restricting your movement or providing too much compression. This means that the waistband and leg openings rest securely without shifting around but aren’t tight enough to dig into your skin. The crotch and butt should be completely covered but there should still be some room to allow for airflow. 


A woman wearing a cropped sweater and black panties stands on a wooden bridge above a river.

Fungus grows best in a warm, moist environment. Sound familiar? While there’s nothing you can do about the tropical climate of your vagina, wearing breathable underwear is essential to keep things from getting too damp and dank down there. 

This is the main reason why wearing synthetic underwear is discouraged. Fabrics like polyester often trap moisture and don’t allow for any airflow. This is another reason why hemp is the best choice for your vaginal health. Hemp is naturally moisture-wicking and hemp fibers are porous enough to let air in through the fabric. 


As I mentioned before, there isn’t one specific cut that makes for the best underwear to prevent yeast infections. Any one of your favorite women’s underwear styles will work, provided that they are made from a natural fabric and fit you perfectly!


A woman wearing a blue t-shirt and black underwear sits on a bed with white sheets.

Women can develop yeast infections at any stage of their lives so when I say “age,” I’m referring solely to the age of your undies. That’s right, I know all about that holey underwear at the bottom of your intimates’ drawer! Why are you still keeping that?? at the bottom of your intimates’ drawer! Why are you still keeping that? 

Even if you practice good hygiene and keep your underwear crisp and clean, age can do a number on an article of clothing. Repeated contact with your genitals and all the other grimy clothes in your laundry hamper can cause a build-up of bacteria that can’t be washed out. The loss of structural integrity that occurs to a pair of undies with time can also interfere with its ability to protect you from any bacteria that may enter from outside. 

Even if you practice good hygiene and keep your underwear crisp and clean, age can do a number on an article of clothing. Repeated contact with your genitals and all the other grimy clothes in your laundry hamper can cause a build-up of bacteria that can’t be washed out. The loss of structural integrity that occurs to a pair of undies with time can also interfere with its ability to protect you from any bacteria that may enter from outside.


In this house, we change our underwear daily! Say it with me! I better not catch you flipping those things inside out. Your vagina is neighbors with your body’s garbage chute. Even if you have immaculate wiping skills, there’s a chance that some of the bacteria from your anus can jump down into your underwear. Not changing your underwear regularly makes it more possible for that bacteria to transfer, thus causing a yeast infection. 


A woman wearing a black bralette, black underwear, and jeans holds up a peace sign in front of lush greenery.

Choosing the best underwear to prevent yeast infections is only the first step in caring for your vagina. Now that you have all the tools you need to find that perfect pair of undies, we can go over some other tips for how to prevent yeast infections. Even if you’re not too worried about infections, these are some important guidelines for maintaining a healthy vagina:

  • Don’t use perfumed products or soaps “down there.” Although art and media often compare vaginas to flowers, there is absolutely no reason for your vagina to smell like one. Use gentle, scent-free products and wash only the outside of your vagina (the lips, the pubic hair) and avoid inserting any soap or water up into your vaginal opening.

  • Don’t douche. Douching is the process of inserting water into your vagina and letting it flow back out. This practice is proven to have no known benefits and is actually detrimental to your vaginal health. Douching removes healthy bacteria that your vagina produces which makes it more vulnerable to the growth of fungus and bad bacteria. 

  • Keep your vulva dry. Fungus likes a moist environment so it’s important to keep your kitty dry. Make sure to wipe your vulva completely dry after a shower and avoid wearing wet swimsuit bottoms for an extended period. 

  • Wipe carefully. Bacteria transfer from the back door to the front can happen so easily. Make it a habit to always wipe front to back after a number two. 

  • Pay attention to changesDischarge and odors are natural parts of having a vagina and experiencing one or both of those is not a cause for concern. However, any drastic changes in the consistency of your discharge or your scent may be a sign of an infection. It’s important to understand and monitor your own body for signs that something is wrong.


 A short-haired woman wearing a flannel shirt and black boy shorts underwear lounges on a daybed.

Yeast infections are just another common experience of being a woman. Since they are so easily treated, getting one is not the biggest deal. However, no one wants to deal with burning, irritation, and stinky discharge. Sticking to a strong hygiene routine and wearing the best underwear to prevent yeast infections are ways to make you less prone to developing one.

Have you ever dealt with a yeast infection? If so, what measures did you take to ensure that it doesn’t happen again? Share your experiences in the comments! 

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